Токийский гуль 2 сезон

Токийский гуль 2 сезон

И просто стоял Амон. Он всё время плакал без остановки и вдруг таким резко ловким стал? Шиньичи приехал сюда на школьную экскурсию, вдруг белый олень берет его сумку и мчится прочь.

Подробнее Свернуть. Серии 2-го сезона.


Having defeated Jason and accepted his ghoul half, Kaneki joins Aogiri Tree to protect those close to him in Anteiku. Amid the battles between the CCG, Cochlea security and ghouls, Kaneki meets a ghoul named Orca with orders to break him free, but is attacked by him instead. The battle at Cochlea intensifies on several fronts and when Ayato is to be almost killed, he is rescued in the nick of time by Kaneki, who undergoes a bizarre transformation after consuming the bodies of several dead Ghouls to empower himself.

The appearance of the "One-Eyed-Ghoul", considered the most dangerous of them all, leaves the CCG in a state of alert while Kaneki writhes in pain due to his new condition.

Touka makes plans to move out of Anteiku. A snowy day brings with it brisk business at the coffee shop. Yoshitoki is granted permission to execute the operation to eradicate the Owl. The many CCG officers involved in the mission take time beforehand to write any last words they might have, as the 20th Ward is cordoned off and its civilians evacuated.

When a civilian gets caught in the middle, Hachikawa continues to press his attack unabated. Shinohara receives some unexpected advice. Suzuya is left to face the newly-arrived one-eyed Owl on his own. Aogiri Tree joins the battle against CCG, who find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer number of opponents. Meanwhile, Kaneki confronts Amon, who stands in his way to Anteiku.

After waking up in Anteiku, he hears someone mention that "making coffee is difficult. By the time that Kaneki realises that he has his ghoul eye activated, Hide tells him "I Knew. Сезоны сериала. Предложить похожий сериал. Похожие фильмы и сериалы.

Токийский гуль 2 сезон

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Токийский гуль 2 сезон

Код Гиас: Восставший Лелуш. Крутой учитель Онидзука.

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Токийский гуль 2 сезон

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