Puberty sexual education for boys and girls,

Puberty sexual education for boys and girls

Department of «Biology and Biochemistry». Scientific and clinical department. What Is Oil? Taking into account the way the perpetrators act, the motivational background, and the circumstances of the crime.

Precocious puberty, otherwise described as a group of medical conditions that cause early puberty onset, such as a pre-adolescent boy presenting with adult pattern of penile and testicular enlargement or a pre-adolescent girl presenting with mature breast development and onset of menses.

Although the sexual and physical characteristics for this condition are well-described in medical literature, the causes are very rarely known. This is a review on sexual development, premature sexual development, the social complications children suffer from due to early onset puberty, and the associations with daily environmental exposures as possible influences for developing precocious puberty.

World Athletics formerly known as IAAF has recently published the eligibility regulations for female classification that apply to running events from meters up to the mile.

The regulations have prevented some elite women athletes with DSD Difference of Sexual Development to compete or have made some of them to change their preferred running event in the Tokyo Olympics. G-protein signaling is important for signal transduction, allowing various stimuli that are external to a cell to affect its internal molecules. This cross yields a decreased number of cleistothecia, including few ascospores. The sexual reproductive organ-specific transcriptional analysis using RNAs from the cleistothecia sexual fruiting bodies indicated that the CpcB is essential for the completion of sexual development by regulating the transcription of sexual genes, such as veA, steA, and vosA.

Boys' Session

Taken together, these findings indicate that AfCpcB plays important roles in sexual development, phagocytosis by alveolar macrophages, biosynthesis of the cell wall, and oxidative stress response. All over the world, the endocrine system diseases in children attract the attention of researchers of various specialties, since this pathology is characterized by the duration of the course and subsequent often developing complications that worsen the quality of life and the prognosis of the health status of children and adolescents.

The prevalence and structure of endocrine pathology in childhood and adolescence differ significantly from those in adults. Due to the fact that children make up a significant share in the structure of medical care requests for osteopathy in medical institutions, osteopathic doctors need to know the basics of diagnosis and prevention of endocrine diseases in children and adolescents.

The peculiarity of endocrine diseases with onset in childhood is the beginning of their development against the background of physiologically significant for the development of the body processes of growth and sexual development, which determines the need for a multidisciplinary clinical approach to differential diagnosis between the endocrine pathology and the constitutional features of physical and sexual development of a healthy child.

Изучение механизмов развития репродуктивных нарушений в условиях эксперимента на крысах является одним из важных направлений современной патофизиологии.

Крыса имеет функционирующий эстральный цикл, трехнедельную гестацию и гемохориальный тип плацентации. На циклических изменениях в яичниках и эпителии влагалища крысы базируется биологическое моделирование эндокринной гинекологической патологии. В настоящее время интерес представляет разработка экспериментальной модели нарушения полового созревания в периоде детства.

Нарушение полового созревания может приводить к различным патологическим изменениям в сфере репродуктивного здоровья в будущем, актуальность данной проблемы очевидна. Цель работы - изучение современных аспектов моделирования преждевременного полового созревания у девочек. Анализ современных отечественных и зарубежных работ, касающихся механизмов преждевременного полового созревания и исследований в области моделирования данной патологии в экспериментах на крысах.

Преждевременное половое созревание у девочек - нарушение, проявляющееся развитием одного или комплекса признаков половой зрелости до 7 летнего возраста. Детерминация полового развития связана с особенностью генетических и эпигенетических факторов. К последним традиционно относят характер питания, стресс как адаптационную реакцию, интегрированную с активацией гормонопоэза.

Фактор питания связан с функционированием гормонов жировой ткани, включая лептин, грелин, эффектами инсулиноподобного фактора роста. В ряде экспериментальных исследований, связанных с воздействием факторов питания, стресса и световой дезадаптации на репродуктивную систему животного, доказано значимое влияние последней на нейромедиаторные системы мозга.

Продолжение изучения ассоциации изменения профиля нейромедиаторов моноаминового ряда и динамики кисспептина в эксперименте на крысах способно расширить представление о механизмах половой дифференцировки мозга и транслировать полученные данные в клиническую практику, связанную с обследованием девочек с преждевременным половым созреванием. В связи с малой распространенностью и ограниченностью представлений о патогенезе преждевременного полового созревания, данная проблема требует детального изучения.

Необходимо дальнейшее изучение патогенетических основ данной патологии в условиях биологического моделирования на самках крыс раннего возраста.

Studying pathogenetic mechanisms responsible for development of reproductive disorders in rat models is an important direction of modern pathophysiology. The rat has a functioning estrous cycle, a three-week gestation, and a hemochorial placentation.

🍍Animated Puberty

Biological modeling of endocrine gynecological pathology is based on cyclic changes in the ovaries and in the epithelium of the rat vagina. Currently, the development of an experimental model of puberty disorders in childhood is of interest. Premature puberty can lead to various pathological changes in future reproductive health.

The relevance of this problem is obvious. The aim of this work was to study modern aspects of modeling premature puberty in girls. Modern domestic and foreign reviews on the mechanism of premature puberty and studies of modeling this pathology in experiments on rats were analyzed. Premature puberty in girls is a disorder manifested by the development of one or all signs of puberty as early as before the age of 7 yrs. Sexual development is associated with characteristic roles of genetic and epigenetic factors.

The latter traditionally include nutrition and stress as an adaptive reaction integrated with the activation of hormone synthesis. The nutrition factor is related with the functioning of adipose tissue hormones, including leptin, ghrelin, and the effects of insulin-like growth factor.

A number of experimental studies on rats addressing effects of nutrition, stress, and light maladaptation on the reproductive system have demonstrated its significant effect on brain neurotransmitter systems. Continuing study of the association between changes in the profile of monoamine neurotransmitters and the dynamics of kisspeptin in experiments on rats can expand understanding of sexual differentiation mechanisms in the brain.

The obtained data can be translated into clinical practice for the management of premature puberty in girls. Due to the rare prevalence of premature puberty and insufficient data on its pathogenesis, this problem requires detailed study. It is necessary to further study the mechanism of this pathology by biological modeling on female rats at an early age. Prevention of children from committing a crime again and social rehabilitation will provide serenity and confidence of society.

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Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Related Papers. Pravo - teorija i praksa The minors as victims in a criminal proceedings for criminal offenses against sexual freedom.

Orvosi hetilap [Child sexual abuse]. Trends of age of consent legilation. Today, children are beginning to of 18 part 2 [5,23]. Very often, they In our opinion, the issue of the sign of the victim, which de- acquire twisted ideas about sexual relations and their mean- termines the existence of such crime as non-violent sexual inter- ing, and their parents are embarrassed to talk with them on course with a minor, remains controversial and relevant today.

In such situations, adolescents often begin to The purpose of this article is to identify the most optimal sign of have an early sex life, which further leads to physical and a victim of non-violent sexual intercourse with a minor based on psychological problems.

In the course of the study such meth- of which leads to criminal liability. The latter provides for liability for sexual intercourse, tercourse with a minor; dogmatic method — when defining the sodomy, lesbianism, or other sexual contact in its perverse concept of «puberty».

The study of criminal legis- person under 16 [21]. At the same time, the Ukrainian leg- lation of a number of foreign countries and the proposals ex- islator changed its approach to this issue, and relatively re- pressed in science allowed us to identify the main approaches cently.

Until there was an enshrinement of such sign to the definition of the sign of the victim, the presence of which of the victim as reaching of puberty in the Criminal Code of should have criminal law significance for qualifying the act as the Ukrainian SSR of article and in the Criminal non-violent sexual intercourse with a minor.

Among such ap- Code of Ukraine of article [9,7]. In the norm proaches are: 1 the age approach, according to which the victim of article was changed. The age reach 16 years in the original edition , 14 years in , of sexual consent can vary even within one State, for example, 16 years in , 16 years and puberty in , 16 years in different states of the United States it ranges from 16 to 18 in the current edition since The latest version of this years.

Regarding the countries of the former Soviet Union, most provision provides for liability for sexual intercourse with a of them set the age of sexual consent is 16 [5]. Interestingly, person under 16, committed by a person who has reached the the Russian legislator has repeatedly changed this age threshold, age of 18 part 1 ; sodomy or lesbianism with a person under ranging it between 16 and 14 years. Since the biological and calendar age of an individual can differ significantly from each other, the legislator, operating only by the calendar age category, can ignore in some cases the actual physiological state of a particular person.

In case of non-compliance between them, the age criterion becomes formal and does not correspond to objective reality. Fixing in the Criminal and physiological or mixed approaches, respectively Code, for example, the year-age of the victim may cause neg- Fig.

Criminal-legal protection of minors against non-vi- ative consequences in case of voluntary sexual intercourse with olent sexual intercourse. The age approach criterion of non- a girl who is 16 years old, but who by her physiological char- attainment of N years acteristics did not reach sexual maturity [2]. Thus, individuals, who have reached a certain age, but have not reached puberty, With regard to the subjective attitude of the perpetrator to are deprived of criminal-legal protection.

This can be regarded as a certain manifesta- should proceed from the fact that the qualification of the crimes tion of sexual discrimination based on the age.

The time frame for its emergence depends on many fac- Among the positive aspects of this approach, it should be not- tors — hereditary characteristics, domestic, socio-economic, ed that the establishment of the minimum age of sexual maturity climatic conditions, health, nutrition, etc.

This raised eliminates the need for mandatory forensic examination to de- the issue of the validity of choosing of the certain age, since termine the sexual maturity of the victim2, which greatly simpli- which sexual maturity is presumed. It seems that since the fies the process of qualifying and proving this crime, simplifies basis for establishing criminal responsibility for sexual inter- and reduces the cost for criminal proceedings.

Similarly, this ap- course with minors is the concern for the physiological health proach reduces the probability of objective incrimination bring- of children, it is necessary to take into account how sexual ing a person to criminal responsibility without establishing his maturity of a person and reaching of certain age are corre- her guilt as the person does not need to realize that the victim lated.

Therefore, when determining the age of consent, it is has not reached puberty [15]. Besides, the statutory determina- necessary to proceed from the study of the average indicators tion of age provides a greater degree of legal certainty compared of puberty, which most likely indicate that by reaching a cer- to other approaches, as well as the decrease in the discretion of tain age all or the overwhelming majority of members of this law enforcement, minimization of errors and corruption risks.

The arguments for justification of the age approach are also Obviously, the legislator should choose this age focusing not those, that the certain age gives reason to assume that a person only on the average age, which is indicator for sexual maturity has attained not only puberty, but also a certain level of social, among the population of a particular country, but deliberately psychological, spiritual and moral development of the personal- overestimating it, setting this age bar «with a margin».

Besides, ity, which is significant for the beginning of sexual life. Conse- ability to vote, to marry, to enter into employment, and to bear quently, the most general character of the solution of the issue legal responsibility for his her actions.

Furthermore, at a cer- of the age of sexual consent, manifested by this approach, does tain age, young people receive an appropriate level of education not take into account a number of individual characteristics of in most countries — secondary education , which allows them to reaching sexual maturity both among individuals and entire more address the issue of sexual relations more consciously and groups of the population.

The first type of which provided for responsibility for non-violent sexual in- characterizes the biological state of the organism, and the sec- tercourse with a minor based on this approach [5,6].

Another im- portant argument against early sexual debut is the possibility of pregnancy. Health hazards are also non-vaginal sex, through which various viruses, infections, and sexually transmitted diseases can be transmitted.

Although the use of condoms during sexual intercourse significantly re- duces the risk of infection, nevertheless, experts note that this Fig. Criminal-legal protection of minors against non-vi- does not guarantee full protection, since a virus infection can olent sexual intercourse.

Medical and physiological approach occur when in contact with unprotected skin areas [20]. Reach- criterion of non-attainment of puberty ing puberty significantly reduces the level of some of these risks. Considering the fact that sexual development is manifested According to article of the Criminal Code of Ukraine be- differently not only in different sexual, social, national groups, fore amendments made by the Law of March 14, , criminal but also in individuals, this criterion can be considered the most liability was incurred for sexual intercourse with a person, who individual.

However, this advantage causes some problems. At the same time, the Plenum of the Thus, disadvantages of this approach include the fact that de- Supreme Court of Ukraine in its Resolution no. For example, in accordance with article , paragraph 5 characterized by the ability to full implementation of sexual of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine, the examination functions [16]. At the same time, according to the Rules for is mandatory for establishment sexual maturity of a person in conducting forensic medical examinations surveys over sex- criminal proceedings for crimes involving sexual intercourse ual conditions in the forensic medical examination bureau, ap- with a person who has not reached sexual maturity.

At the same time, accord- of puberty is differentiated with regards to females and males. In ing to the Rules, the establishment of sexual maturity is carried case of the first, under the state of puberty should be understood out in respect of persons aged from 14 to 18 paragraphs 2. Consequently, at the age of 14, the absence of puberty nancy, childbirth and feeding of the child are normal functions was presumed.

In other cases, conducting a forensic examina- and do not lead to health disorder Section 2. In case of tion on puberty was a necessary stage in the investigation of the males puberty is characterized by the state of general physical relevant crimes [19].

Besides, this model in- tim was taken into account. The Plenum of the Supreme Court creases the risks of objective incrimination of non-violent sexual of Ukraine notes in paragraph 16 of the aforementioned resolu- intercourse with a person who has not reached sexual maturity, tion that voluntary sexual intercourse with a person who has not which is unacceptable in criminal law and violates the presump- reached sexual maturity, constitutes the crime under article tion of innocence.

Among the advantages of this approach, it should be noted 3 The mixed approach. There are two directions within its that it contributes more to ensuring the normal sexual develop- framework. In article of this Code in — ity to various infections and viruses increases more than forty the responsibility for sexual intercourse with a person under 16 of infections and more than hundred viruses are known. No less who has not reached sexual maturity was assigned; the perpetra- dangerous these infections are for men, because, remaining un- tor could be a person at the age of 18 [23].

Some scientists assume that a techni- herent in previous approaches. In particular, the problem of ob- cal error was made in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federa- jective incrimination is not solved within this approach. Besides, tion, which manifested itself in the use of the conjunction «and» it involves forensic examination concerning sexual maturity of instead of the conjunction «or» [24].

Thus, according to this approach, only minors up to N years who Conclusions. Thus, the research made it possible to establish have not reached puberty are under criminal-legal protection.

When Puberty Hit Me

Ac- that there is no universal approach to the determination of the cordingly, the criminal liability of a person who has voluntary sexu- most optimal sign of a victim of non-violent sexual intercourse al intercourse with a minor is excluded if: 1 the minor has reached with a minor, since all the considered approaches have both ad- both sexual maturity and N years; 2 the minor has reached sexual vantages and disadvantages.

The age ap- vious approaches. Nevertheless, the advantages of this approach proach, despite the fact of dominating in most states and being the are that the issue of objective incrimination is partially resolved most general and formal, does not take into consideration individual it is not necessary to establish that a person has reached sexu- sexual development, as well as the characteristics of the sexual de- al maturity in cases where he she has reached N years , and velopment of boys and girls.

The mixed cumulative approach the sexual freedom of persons who have reached sexual maturity is approach according to which a minor has not reached N years and guaranteed, regardless of their age. In turn, the mixed alternative approach the approach according to which a minor has not reached N years or puberty , while expanding the criminal-legal protection of sexual development of minors, does not solve the problem of objective in- crimination and complicates criminal proceedings in this category of cases because of the need for forensic examinations concerning Fig.

Criminal-legal protection of minors against non-vi- the establishment of sexual maturity of persons who have reached olent sexual intercourse.

Mixed comulative approach a minor a certain age. In sexual intercourse is that a person has not reached a certain age doing so, when choosing the age or one of the mixed approach- or sexual maturity.

Such an approach can be observed in the es, in our view, it would be advisable to raise the issue of dif- Criminal Code of Albania, according to which intercourse with ferentiating the age of sexual consent of young men and women.

Based on the interpretation of this approach, the following О. Дьяченко А.